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In telecommunications, a femtocell is a small, low-power cellular base station, typically designed for use in a home or small business. A broader term which is more.

A Robot Captured Photos of What Might Be Melted Nuclear Fuel Inside Fukushima's Reactor No. One of the several brave robots to make one- way trips into Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant’s severely damaged reactors has accomplished what its less fortunate compatriots did not, sending back photos of what appears to be melted nuclear fuel from the interior of the ruined facility. The remotely controlled Toshiba robot, which is similar in design to a submarine, managed to gain some glimpses of “a hardened black, grey and orange substance” pooled below reactor No. Bloomberg reported on Friday. Officials with Tokyo Electric Power Co. Holdings Inc. And it is highly likely that we have filmed that on Friday.” After the 2.

T. The reactors at Fukushima remain extremely dangerous: In February 2. No. 2 reached at least 6. Tepco robots. While the cleanup is expected to take decades and has an estimated $7.

Black Magic Software For Cable Tv Operators Philippines

Femtocell - Wikipedia. In telecommunications, a femtocell is a small, low- power cellular base station, typically designed for use in a home or small business. A broader term which is more widespread in the industry is small cell, with femtocell as a subset. It is also called femto Access. Point (AP). It connects to the service provider’s network via broadband (such as DSL or cable); current designs typically support four to eight simultaneously active mobile phones in a residential setting depending on version number and femtocell hardware, and eight to 1. A femtocell allows service providers to extend service coverage indoors or at the cell edge, especially where access would otherwise be limited or unavailable.

Although much attention is focused on WCDMA, the concept is applicable to all standards, including GSM, CDMA2. TD- SCDMA, Wi. MAX and LTE solutions. Use of femtocells benefits both the mobile operator and the consumer. For a mobile operator, the attractions of a femtocell are improvements to both coverage, especially indoors, and capacity. Coverage is improved because femtocells can fill in the gaps and eliminate loss of signal through buildings. Capacity is improved by a reduction in the number of phones attempting to use the main network cells and by the off- load of traffic through the user's network (via the internet) to the operator's infrastructure.

Instead of using the operator's private network (microwave links, etc.), the internet is used. Because 3. G networks breath, offloading to femtocells extends a networks physical coverage distance from each tower. Consumers and small businesses benefit from greatly improved coverage and signal strength since they have a de facto base station inside their premises. As a result of being relatively close to the femtocell, the mobile phone (user equipment) expends significantly less power for communication with it, thus increasing battery life. They may also get better voice quality via (HD voice) depending on a number of factors such as operator/network support, customer contract/price plan, phone and operating system support. Some carriers may also offer more attractive tariffs, for example discounted calls from home.

Published continually since 1998, "NEWS YOU CAN USE" was a Blog before "Blog" was even a word! It's intention has been to help inform the football coach and the.

Femtocells are an alternative way to deliver the benefits of fixed–mobile convergence (FMC). The distinction is that most FMC architectures require a new dual- mode handset which works with existing unlicensed spectrum home/enterprise wireless access points, while a femtocell- based deployment will work with existing handsets but requires the installation of a new access point that uses licensed spectrum. Many operators worldwide offer a femtocell service, mainly targeted at businesses but also offered to individual customers (often for a one- off fee) when they complain to the operator regarding a poor or non- existent signal at their location.

Operators who have launched a femtocell service include SFR, AT& T, Sprint Nextel, Verizon, Zain, Mobile Tele. Systems, T- Mobile US, Orange, Vodafone, EE, O2, Three, and others. In 3. GPP terminology, a Home Node.

B (HNB) is a 3. G femtocell. A Home e. Node. B (He.

NB) is an LTE 4. G femtocell. Typically the range of a standard base station may be up to 3. A femtocell is typically the size of a residential gateway or smaller, and connects to the user’s broadband line.

Integrated femtocells (which include both a DSL router and femtocell) also exist. Once plugged in, the femtocell connects to the MNO’s mobile network, and provides extra coverage.

From a user’s perspective, it is plug and play, there is no specific installation or technical knowledge required—anyone can install a femtocell at home. In most cases. When these mobile phones arrive under coverage of the femtocell, they switch over from the macrocell (outdoor) to the femtocell automatically. Most MNOs provide a way for the user to know this has happened, for example by having a different network name appear on the mobile phone. All communications will then automatically go through the femtocell. When the user leaves the femtocell coverage (whether in a call or not) area, his phone hands over seamlessly to the macro network. Femtocells require specific hardware, so existing Wi.

Fi or DSL routers cannot be upgraded to a femtocell. Once installed in a specific location, most femtocells have protection mechanisms so that a location change will be reported to the MNO. Whether the MNO allows femtocells to operate in a different location depends on the MNO’s policy.

International location change of a femtocell is not permitted because the femtocell transmits licensed frequencies which belong to different network operators in different countries. Benefits for users. These all broadly conform to an architecture with three major elements: The femtocell access points themselves, which embody greater network functionality than found in macrocell basestations, such as the radio resource control functions. This allows much greater autonomy within the femtocell, enabling self- configuration and self- optimisation. Femtocells are connected using broadband IP, such as DSL or cable modems, to the network operator’s core switching centres. The femtocell gateway, comprising a security gateway that terminates large numbers of encrypted IP data connections from hundreds of thousands of femtocells, and a signalling gateway which aggregates and validates the signalling traffic, authenticates each femtocell and interfaces with the mobile network core switches using standard protocols, such as Luh.

These typically use the same TR- 0. Broadband Forum and also used for administration of residential modems. The key interface in these architectures is that between the femtocell access points and the femtocell gateway. Standardisation enables a wider choice of femtocell products to be used with any gateway, increasing competitive pressure and driving costs down. For the common WCDMA femtocells, this is defined as the Luh. In the Luh architecture, the femtocell gateway sits between the femtocell and the core network and performs the necessary translations to ensure the femtocells appear as a radio network controller to existing mobile switching centres (MSCs). Each femtocell talks to the femtocell gateway and femtocell gateways talk to the Core Network Elements (CNE) (MSC for circuit- switched calls, SGSN for packet- switched calls).

This model was proposed by 3. GPP and the Femto Forum. Voice calls are routed through the FCS which emulates an MSC. SIP is not required or used by the mobile device itself. In the SIP architecture, the femtocell connects to a core network of the mobile operator that is based on the SIP/IMS architecture. This is achieved by having the femtocells behave toward the SIP/IMS network like a SIP/IMS client by converting the circuit- switched 3.

G signaling to SIP/IMS signaling, and by transporting the voice traffic over RTP as defined in the IETF standards. Air interfaces. Indeed, the first commercial deployment was the cdma. Airave in 2. 00. 7 by Sprint. Femtocells are also under development or commercially available for GSM, TD- SCDMA, Wi.

MAX and LTE. The H(e)NB functionality and interfaces are basically the same as for regular HSPA or LTE base stations except few additional functions. The differences are mostly to support differences in access control to support closed access for residential deployment or open access for enterprise deployment, as well as handover functionality for active subscribers and cell selection procedures for idle subscribers.

For LTE additional functionality was added in 3. GPP Release 9 which is summarized in. Because femtocells can use the same frequency bands as the conventional cellular network, there has been the worry that rather than improving the situation they could potentially cause problems. Femtocells incorporate interference mitigation techniques—detecting macrocells, adjusting power.

Ralph de la Vega, AT& T President, reported in June 2. Interference isn’t a problem. We have tested femtocells extensively in real customer deployments of many thousands of femtocells, and we find that the mitigation techniques implemented successfully minimise and avoid interference.

The more femtocells you deploy, the more uplink interference is reduced. In addition, the studies looked at the impact in different morphologies, as well as in closed versus open access.

The following are broad conclusions from the studies: 1. When femtocells are used in areas of poor or no coverage, macro/femto interference is unlikely to be a problem. Download Animation Shop 3 Crack 4 there. If the femto network is sharing the channel (co- channel) with the macro network, interference can occur.

However, if the interference management techniques advocated by the Femto Forum are adopted, the resulting interference can be mitigated in most cases. A femtocell network deployed on an adjacent dedicated channel is unlikely to create interference to a macro network. Additionally, the impact of a macro network on the performance of a femtocell on an adjacent channel is limited to isolated cases. If the interference mitigation techniques advocated by the Femto Forum are used, the impact is further marginalised. Closed access represents the worst- case scenario for creation of interference. Open access reduces the chances of User Equipment (mobile phone handsets, 3.

G data dongles, etc.) on the macro network interfering with a proximate femtocell. The same conclusions were reached for both the 8. MHz (3. GPP Band 1. MHz (3. GPP Band 1) deployments that were studied.

The conclusions are common to the 8. MHz and 2. 10. 0 MHz bands that were simulated in the studies, and can be extrapolated to other mobile bands. With interference mitigation techniques successfully implemented, simulations show that femtocell deployments can enable very high capacity networks by providing between a 1.

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